With the sad news that Darren Grimes is leaving Twitter to join Locals (let's be honest, he's not), I thought it the perfect time to bring back an old thread, looking back at some of his finest moments on this website...
NB: Throughout this thread it's important to understand Darren has deleted nearly everything he's ever tweeted. You might wonder why. Over the course of the next few tweets, you will see why.
1. When he rage quit the Conservative Party in 2019, cutting up his membership card before realising that wouldn't help his grift in any way whatsoever. He now pretends it never happened.
2. When he backed Donald Trump running again in 2024 following his recent election defeat. It must be pure coincidence this tweet was deleted the night of the Capitol Riots. Once again, he now pretends it never happened.
3. When he successfully predicted the Capitol Riots... but slightly misjudged the details
4. When he had to crowdfund his legal fees in late 2018, and completely forgot how old he was
5. When he criticised young people for "moaning" about their lives despite spending every waking hour tweeting about how much he hates his life in London
6. Quite simply, his tweets when Boris Johnson was hospitalised by Covid
7. One of Darren's Twitter habits is tweeting the same thing over and over with slightly adjusted wording
8. One of Darren's Twitter habits is tweeting the same thing over and over with the wording slightly changed
9. In response to news EU Citizens were not having their rights guaranteed post-Brexit, Darren thought it a good idea to tweet this
10. After recording, editing, and watching his David Starkey interview several times over. Darren was shocked to discover Starkey had said several racists things during their conversation he just hadn't picked up on at the time.

An incredibly unfortunate thing to happen.
11. Earlier last year Darren was invited onto Politics Live to discuss the Irish Election, a day after tweeting that he found Irish Politics "bloody confusing"
12. This video
13. When he admitted to never trying pilates as he thought it was "for Jeremy Corbyn"
14. When he demanded broadcasters stop asking him to speak about Dominic Cummings... and then spent the next week appearing on every media platform defending Dominic Cummings
15. It's a real shame Grimes so regularly deletes his tweets, there's so much we could all learn from such a master debater
16. It's a real shame Grimes deleted his Facebook, there's so much he could learn from... Darren Grimes
17. With over 100,000 deaths since this tweet, I wonder if Darren will ever pause for a moment of self-reflection...
...somehow I doubt it.

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