Let's talk honestly about "informed consent."
Someone with decades of training gives someone with none advice usually packed into 1-3 mins. Huge amount is based on trust. Huge potential for bias built in. But also there is no obligation to provide real alternative options. https://twitter.com/EmmMacfarlane/status/1360652163031183361
I am classified as 'gifted' (obnoxious and ableist term). I mention because of what I am about to say. You all know that I was an ambulatory wheelchair user previously - could stand - but contractures have ended that. When I pleaded for physio, turned down. But did you know...
I recently was chatting with a doctor I know and explaining what happened and the day the physiatrist told me it was too late and nothing could be done. The doctor asked if I'd like one of her friends/colleagues to give second opinion. I said yes please! So...
She said can you send me MRI and other imaging they did to determine it wasn't possible to address your contractures.

Me: What?
Dr.: They did a MRI first before deciding right?
Me: No
Dr: What did they do??!
Me: Examined me for 2 minutes.
Dr: I am very angry rn. Can't talk.
My point is you don't even know if you are making "informed" decisions because the only source of information you have is the person who has already decided what they think you should do. And may I remind you of a word called 'compliance.'
'Compliance' and non-compliance are terms - words attached to patients who don't do what a doctor tells them to do. They literally pathologize disagreement with them. Or even asking questions. Every crip I know has stories of 'getting in trouble' for asking questions.
I am poor. I didn't have access to a computer and frankly even if you do you need access to medical journals which are paywalled and then you need to know what to search for and how to read them - but sure tell me about __-___ing "informed consent."
There is a power imbalance. ESPECIALLY if you are hospitalized.

They ordered a psych consult on me when I told them they ordered the wrong piece of equipment for my disabled body - a thing that was later proven to be true.

A psych consult because I disagreed!
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