I want to tell you the story of my friend today. Help him get his money back!

I've known @duncankeya since we were in high school. Ours is a 20 yr friendship through thick and thin, through the distance of university and the stress of adulting; twice he's been my neighbour too
He has a son who's 4-and-a-half, and has autism. This January he was supposed to join kindergarten for the very first time. It could have been last year, but the pandemic etc
So, you know the story of looking for a school in Nairobi. Many schools don't even consider him when they hear he has autism - they just say no. Many ask for an assessment, and then ghost.
So, they come across a school that says they are an integrated institution for children with special needs. What this means is that children with autism or any other challenge are not separated into their own stream but learn with the other children.
This is super important for my friend's son. It will help him develop social skills which are delayed, including speech. It will help him get the support he needs without being segregated.
So, my friend and his wife is excited. The school says they are ready and capable, and have the expertise to teach and handle their son. He goes ahead to pay Ksh 54,000 as school fees, which also includes admission fees, caution money etc. Si you know schools
They also go and buy school uniform, which costs Ksh 16,000. Since it is the first time he's going to school, the boy can't fully grasp what all the fuss is about, but the excitement is rubbing off on him. He's into it!
So, day one of school. Everything seems to be going alright. No tears!
But, just five days later, the school tells my friends that they can no longer teach his son, or have him in the institution, *due to his autism*. The same autism they said they were very willing and capable of 'handling'
Not only that, they categorically refuse to refund him for the school fees paid and money spent. Yes, you heard that right. Five days of school and no refund, no discussion.
(At this point I was like, oh hell naw!)
Y'all. It's bad enough that they gave them that 'hope' that their son could finally get enrolled in school, only to kick him out for the same condition they said they were ready and capable of handling.
They're going to keep the money too? Hapana.
So please retweet this and get Shree Cutch Satyang Swaminarayan Academy to refund the cash. My friends actually deserve an apology too. Read it in @DuncanKeya ' s own words here + the demand letter https://twitter.com/DuncanKeya/status/1360520729876443136?s=20
(apologies for accidentally deleting the earlier thread! retweet this one!)
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