I’m so frustrated that many privileged people are ignoring racial/ethnic injustices of Covid-19 deaths. Widespread apathy is making these grave disparities more severe in younger adults. Generational damage is destroying families.

Co-work with @DrEricDing / @scientist_irma
Why is this frustrating? @DrEricDing thread explains these extreme disparities how BIPOC are up to 11x more likely to die from Covid-19. (data link in thread) https://twitter.com/drericding/status/1356345641425899522
The data clearly illustrates the disproportionate burden of Covid-19 deaths in racial/ethnic minorities, and this is already beginning to be repeated with vaccine distribution as well.
additionally, video available on YouTube if captions are needed:
in regards to vaccination, this also means providing information how each vaccine will work in an understandable language (which might not be English). Example here of how the @pfizer & @moderna_tx mRNA vaccines work https://twitter.com/ScientistSwanda/status/1335988328362090500
or how the adenovirus vaccines work, such as those by @AstraZeneca & @JNJNews https://twitter.com/ScientistSwanda/status/1343964751173480455
and how the protein based vaccine works via @Novavax https://twitter.com/ScientistSwanda/status/1358068719134605312
You can follow @ScientistSwanda.
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