types of depression, open this
- major depression:

many people with major depression experience recurrent episodes of depression throughout their entire lives
- bipolar disorder:

bipolar depression is also known as “manic depressive disorder” and it is characterized by alternating depressive episode and mania
- situational

situational depression is a form of depression that’s triggered by a life changing situations or sometimes an unexpected event such as;

* death of a close family member
* losing a job
- s.a.d (seasonal affective disorder)

“seasonal affective disorder” occurs due to lack of natural sunlight during winter months. this occurs among people who are sensitive to lower amounts of light
- atypical depression:

atypical depression is characterized by;

* heaviness in the limbs
* irritability
* relationship issues
* oversleeping & overeating
- dysthymia:

dysthymia is characterized by a persistent low mood that lasts for a long period of time. it may also be described as “living on autopilot”
- premenstrual dysphoric:

premenstrual dysphoric disorder occurs in the second half of the menstrual cycle which affects a person’s ability to function normally
- postpartum:

postpartum depression occurs in new mothers after giving birth. it is characterized by a sense of disconnection and sometimes fear of hurting their babies
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