Good morning to everyone, and a reminder:

I joined Twitter under a pseudonym because of fear of retaliation from my prior university.

I had already experienced discrimination and become suicidal because of it.

I was terrified I would be found out by said university.

I was able to reveal myself the second I left.

I worked for years to try to change medical universities.

It worked somewhat but if universities don’t want to change you burn out.

Go where the PD calls people brave for speaking up, not where you are called “unprofessional.”—
I would still be KC Ardem and not open with you all if I hadn’t gone to a place where I felt safe.

If I hadn’t picked the place that was honest around diversity and the work still needing to be done.

We would have none of the tweets, articles, etc. if I hadn’t left.—
Find the place where you can fly.

Find the place that doesn’t fire the minoritized #DNRTulane.

Do not go to a place because “you can help” or “be the first” minoritized person.

We have all tried that in the older generation.

Without the proper support, all of us have left.—
You not be helping. Not really.

Your labor and brains and idealism will be used up and you are discarded and damaged.

If minoritized people are not there, have been fired, or have left, or do not stay after training, these are red flags.

Keep yourselves safe.—
You deserve to be phenomenal.

You deserve to be supported and kept safe.

You deserve to simply be a student and not someone who has to take on fixing a university.

Think of what you could be doing if you had to deal with less discrimination.

Do not rank and reward bad places.
You can follow @ChaseTMAnderson.
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