My Saturday morning hot take:

Society doesn't want to see wealthy farmers. Their expectation of a farm family is an American Gothic type image with subsistence farmers scratching the ground to make a living.
The modern farm with 6 combines cutting in straight passes and 2 quads with carts roaming around filling super b's doesn't fit the image in the minds eye of society today.
So farmers are forced to find economy of scale and production efficiency and that means larger farms and bigger equipment. But remember the first tweet, this doesn't fit in with the societal image of what a farmer should look like.
So to society, today's progressive farms are evil corporations that poison the earth through fossil fuel use and chemicals and GMOs and and and. Never mind that society caused this by keeping prices low and gave no mechanism to combat inflation other than to increase production.
Society wants to see American Gothic, remember? They see your family in your full-size SUV and their compact crossover. They think you don't pay taxes and write everything off. They don't see that you drive on crappy roads in crappy weather.
They're going to vote for whatever politicians that put a wealth transfer tax in their platform because wealth is immoral. (Well, anymore wealth than they have is immoral. Their level of wealth is fine. But anything more than that is greed)
How dare a young kid start farming on a family farm that has been operating for 5, 6, 7 or more generations? How dare they get a helping hand to carry on a capital intensive thin margin business? They should start with nothing!
Today's society defines greed as earning a dollar. Taxing that dollar at 50+% so it can be distributed out to those that won't earn a dollar is seen as moral and justified. People love playing Robin Hood with their vote.
Be ready for wealth transfer taxes that will cause farming operations to be sold to pay those taxes.

That's my Saturday morning hot take.
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