What attributed to Aaron Rodgers taking such few sacks in 2020?

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Every sack comes from pressure.

So before we start looking into sacks themselves, we first must view the pressure rate Rodgers has faced throughout his career.

As you can see, it just plummeted in 2020, dropping a huge 10.8% since last year.
When you look into the pressures themselves, Rodgers is now doing a better job than ever preventing sacks coming from those pressures.

2020 marked his career low with just 15.6% of his pressures resulting in sacks.
A cool, brief little note here:

Notice those 2 similar dips in 2012-14 and 2018-20?

Rodgers’ PFF Grade patterns in those years have an uncanny resemblance.
So has Rodgers vastly improved in the art of avoiding pressures?
Not really.

@PFF chart which player is held accountable for each pressure.

The % of Pressures which Rodgers was held accountable for in 2020 was 14.7%, the 2nd highest % of his career.
So while Rodgers hasn’t gotten any better at avoiding pressures, he HAS gotten better at avoiding SACKS.

Other than passing the ball of course, there are 2 main ways QBs can avoid sacks:

Scrambles and Throwaways. Let’s take a look ⬇️
Here is the most interesting graph in my opinion:

I have put Rodgers’ Throwaways and Scrambles on the one graph.

As you can see, as he gets older, scrambles decrease and throwaways increase.

But in 2020, we seen a damn near parallel INCREASE in both.
Rodgers is getting the ball out faster too.

He got rid of the ball within 2.5 seconds on 49% of dropbacks in 2020.

That’s his 2nd highest rate since the stat was first recorded in 2011.
While some of this attributes to Rodgers, the majority of this comes down to play calling, and quantity of designed plays in Matt LaFleur’s offense.
Rodgers’ passer rating under pressure in 2020 (83.9) was the best it’s been since 2016.

Over the 2 games vs Tampa Bay, his rating under pressure was just 48.6.

When you remove those 2 games (which I know you can’t), his rating is at 92.3, the highest mark of his career.
The point of this thread is that, the QBs who stick around the longest are the ones who get hit the least.

Obviously it goes without saying how superb Green Bay’s O-Line was in 2020, but even when they get beat, Rodgers himself has stepped up his ability to avoid the rush.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far. I spent my morning doing this and I’m really happy with how it turned out. I appreciate everyone’s support!

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