The GOP would have us believe that the real terrorists in Montana are teaching evolution in schools, wearing masks to protect others in grocery stores, trying to get healthcare when they are sick, driving mid-size vehicles the speed limit on icy roads and NOT white supremacists.
But we have real terrorists in Montana, people wanted by the FBI for participating in violent riots and murder in our nation's capitol. Why are we not passing bills to STOP their reign of terror? Why does the GOP not even TALK about these folks who represent their party here?
Is it because the GOP is now a fascist cult with a radical, white supremacist, anti-science agenda? Is this really the Montana we know, any of us? If these folks are in the minority, why is the unhinged GOP running the state? We need a long, hard look at reality in Montana.
Destructive cults always lie to members about their true intentions, they use propaganda and minimize or discourage access to non-cult sources of information, they require members to internalize the group's doctrine as truth and instill fear. We need political parties, not cults.
We're all Americans, not terrorists. Equating BLM protests with the deadly riots and attacks on our democratic institutions is dishonest. Misinforming citizens with extremist hate propaganda does not further democracy, rather the opposite. How do we stop this fascism in Montana?
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