But then attacks the federal stimulus.
“The children of NYC right now are being robbed,” the Chancellor said. “The latest federal stimulus package has within it $2 billion that should be coming directly to the students of New York City."
Is that really the problem?
DOE plans to chase after this with "...the DOE would help with the emotional and mental health of its students."
How about we address THE real problem. Getting kids into our safe schools. #OpenSchoolsNow
Anyone who knows anything about why schools are not open know that it's been about the teachers union. How political of @DOEChancellor not to even include that. And to say he is an advocate for children... no one is advocating for childen, not even the @POTUS.
The @DOEChancellor attributes suicides to federal $$$. Be accountable for closing MS/HS since Nov with no health or safety reason. NYC teens have had fewer than 10 days in schools. To link suicides w/$2B not coming direcly to NYC is putting politics before children's lives.
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