As Hindu we are facing many problems. There is not only attack on our dharma but also on almost every aspect of our life.
A vivid description of our problems is given by Prof. T.R.N. Rao and Dr. David Frawley in their paper 'Role of Intellectuals in Sanatan Dharma'.
They said, "The world mass media seldom considers any Hindu point of view. Though Hindus are the third largest religion in the world,
and the largest non-biblical tradition, in many presentations of world religions Hindus are left out or deni-grated as polytheists, idolaters and animists. Some universities in the West teach that Hinduism is not a religion at all but a collection of cults mainly of primitive
nature. Such schools also teach that India as a nation was created by the British and was otherwise just a collection of warring states with little in common. Though India is the largest democracy in the world and the second most populated country, it has no permanent seat in the
U.N. Security Council. In events of global importance neither an Indian nor a Hindu point of view is given much consideration. In Bangladesh Hindus are under siege and frequently have their property taken from them. In Pakistan Hindus have been almost entirely eliminated.
In neither country have there ever been any prominent Hindu leaders or government officials. In Fiji Hindus are routinely op- pressed. In Malaysia they have to accept an inferior position, where Hindus can be converted to Islam but no Muslims can become Hindu.
When Hindus work in Islamic Gulf countries Hindus have to hide their religion. Saudi Arabia requires that India send only a Mslim ambassador and India always meekly complied, bowing down to a nation with 1/20 its population!
Could Saudi Arabia dare to insist on a Mslim ambassador from USA, France or China?
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