"Earth, water, fire, and wind. Where there is energy there is life.”~ Suzy Kassem

@One_Voice_1 is proud to present our #OVElements series.

Our goal is to highlight the elements through the lens of climate change, to help advance the reversal of the damage done to our planet.
The article above has over one hundred shocking statistics about plastics in our oceans. Here are just a few:

🚩The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is bigger than Texas

🚩8 million pieces of plastic pollution find their way into
our ocean daily.
🚩More than 1 million seabirds and 100,000 marine
animals die from plastic pollution every year

🚩There is now 5.25 trillion macro and micro pieces of
plastic in our ocean & 46,000 pieces in every square
mile of ocean, weighing up to 269,000 tonnes
While these statistics are daunting, There are steps we can take to curb the compounding of plastics that enter the ocean every year.

💧 Swear off of plastic straws & water bottles

💧 Find a company that offers reusable bottles and
"capsules" for cleaning products
💧 NO more plastic grocery bags when you shop

💧Support restaurants & businesses that are committed
to sustainable packaging

💧Commit to never using styrofoam again

💧 Last, & most importantly, VOTE! Vote for people
that make climate change their #1 priority

You can follow @rjaviervasquez.
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