We are currently in The Second Weimar Era. Where degeneracy, ginormous class divide, ignorance, corruption, rise of Anarchism and Communism, and the destruction of tradition is rampant and even cheered.

Many Western Nations are shadows of their former glory and have gone to hell
Just like in the Weimar Republic, we are seeing a rise in the LGBTQ+ community that is promoting and normalizing sexual deviance to challenge tradition.

While this happens Bestiality, Incest, pedophilia, and other sickening acts are supported and welcomed without.
We are also seeing the rise of Anarchist and Communist groups just like in the Weimar.

Anarchists who destroy our cities with their Communist commanders pushing their agendas in our colleges to disrupt the system and add more to their ranks for a false sense of revolution.
We are also seeing a rise of decadence one can say is similar to Rome in it's end. Our people are addicted to simple pleasures and celebrate it in things like Spring Break where our young go to f*ck, drink, and get high.

It is simply used as a time to act like complete animals.
As all this decadence and degeneracy happen we have a rising homeless population who either have been driven mad by the modern world or abandoned by it.

Many of these Homeless being veterans from previous pointless wars. Being left on the streets to rot away out of view mostly.
All of this can return to the same source. Political Parasites abandoning their people in favor of either outsides or the Corporations who want to keep our minds muddled with simple pleasures and whatever they shove down our throats!

Make us blind to the world burning around us.
This is not kept within Western Nations. It is spreading to other Traditional Holdouts. Places like Japan who have always cherished their way of life and their people.

They are becoming a pit of degeneracy in their cities as people are trying to force multiculturalism upon them.
The Second Weimar Era has also introduced the demonization of White Culture.

Our people are labeled Monsters with us being forced to take in a people that hate us, not say anything bad about this people, let them start chaos, and allow them to replace us within our own history!
The consumerism, degeneracy, multiculturalism, and betrayal of The Western World and it's people will come to a end. There will be hardships but our people have faced darker time.

If you know your history, you know just how the First Weimar ended. The same will happen to ours.
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