Based on this aiming to re-open in April would be a good plan
Re-opening slowly and cautiously in pace with cases, hospital burden and vaccination, with some restrictions in place, bigger investment in FTTIS and restrictions at our borders with a general discouragement of international holidays
Reasoning of April is based on trajectory of cases but not helpful to put a specific date although April seemed reasonable (?). Need to get new cases as low as possible by then. But in the end it could be pushed back.
Ideally community cases need be nearly extinguished by the time we reopen to have maximum benefit. Failure to do this will have dire consequences. Incoming virus needs to be caught at our borders and individuals isolated/quarantined.
We really do need to aim for a zero tolerance approach to community spread of SARS-CoV-2. Without this we’re fighting a real up hill battle for the next few years
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