I'm about to record a video suggesting folks come and do a PhD with me/us. To try to work out what people might want answered in an initial intro, I've just found myself down a rabbit hole of PhD YouTube. It's more of a Donnie Darko rather than Thumper kind of rabbit hole.
A lot of them have intros where they're opening blinds and having breakfast. Though I think that's probably accurate, when I think back to my PhD experience I also did a lot of opening blinds and having breakfast.
They're all talking about how they never take days off. Um... just wait till that procrastination kicks in. It'll stand you in good stead for 30 years hence when you'll be me, staying up late watching PhD students complaining about not having a day off.
The one I'm watching right now is talking about never taking a day off is doing a LOT of exercise in lieu of work. You've got this, kiddo! Maybe binge watch some Netflix next... it'll probably be PhD-related. Now they're talking about their lunch.
They are also complaining about a professor who assigns really long books that you have to read in a week. This is hilarious. I might have found my new binge.
I think the most surprising thing is the five or ten or twenty things that nobody ever tells you about doing a PhD, which are the main things everyone gets told.
There's one called 'Annabelle the PhD Student' (that's the name of the channel) and I mean that series was going somewhere, but I didn't think this is where we'd end up. But it kind of makes sense: Annabelle, Annabelle Creation, Annabelle Comes Home, Annabelle the PhD Student.
Seriously, it's a great channel! She's just starting and it's quite honest. Oh geez, now I'm reviewing them.
Okay, yes, the three hours of watching her study is a bit much. Though, maybe I should be setting that as a requirement pre-first meeting, to sort out who's up for the challenge?
Oh lawdy, I've now seen four different PhD students in the US open their blinds as they start their vlogs. I am starting to think I'm missing a connection.
No shade on them (or any of them), but this is what I mean about the blinds.
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