It's an early #valentinesday2021 post! Here's only a few of the most inspiring, brilliant and amazing content creators I know, and you should too!
@paganpizzaparty - Honest and kind, open-hearted and gracious, always willing to lend an ear!
@PlayWithJambo - Honest and unwaivering, open-hearted, and fosters a warm, loving, community!
@drkayross - A badass scientist, lover of retro games & puzzles, and incredibly funny!
@ladyrinike - A kind welcoming heart, empathetic and a lover of all things Animal Crossing!
@AlleeMac - Pure unadultarated chaos, biting wit and a no-nonsense attitude!
@lucanaii - Powerful, serves stunning looks with makeup, brilliant stratigician!
@BabblingGoat - One of the brightest flames around, exudes passion constantly, not afraid to be true to themselves!
@HoboHaus - An incredible artist, a kind and gentle soul, makes you smile easily!
@QHarpyz - Bold as brass, an infectious laugh, and a stunning sense of humour!
You can follow @PaigeHHarvey.
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