Common problem which we are asked about in sessions is not the problem itself, but stress born out of it. It was on my mind to write detailed remedies on how to control stress, both Astrologically and Naturally. Please read whole thread, do RT/share if you find it useful.1/n
Astrological view points: Most likely you get worried is because your Mind(moon) is affected. And if you wish to control your mind none other than Someshwar Shivji.
1-Offer Cold water/milk to Shivling daily. Cold means it should be tap water, but should not be hot (summers)2/n
2- Another good remedy is to keep a shirodhara at Shivling and observe it for long durations. This is one of the best meditation practices as well. Getting shirodhara(Panchkarma) sitting is another way, but its very costly as it has become a way to earn money. 3/n
3-Varun Devta if you live nearby seashore, go & sit nearby sea and see waves falling up and down. Moon is also karak of tides in sea, hence doing this during high tides, especially at night or early morning has other benefits as well. Will discuss another story on it as well.4/n
4-Vishnu ji: Vishnu ji is said to be Dev of patience and if you are someone who lacks patience and hence face stress, you can put some Chandan on your head, or visit Vishnu temple daily and offer smelling flowers to him (pref White or Yellow) & pray for your cause.5/n
Another reason is invoking Jupiter, helps moon, as Jupiter is one of the closest friends of Moon. Some other moon remedies are covered in General remedies as well. Not always moon, some other Rashis & plnts can also cause stress, like Cancer people are usually prone to stress.6/n
Same goes to Capricorn, Virgo, Pisces. BTW Cap./ Makara is vehicle of Varun Devta as well, hence they can find peace near sea shores and beaches. In planets Rahu, Ketu, Shani are usual Karak for stress, not always, but generally. 7/n
Other Malefics can cause problems but not stress usually. For these three usually donating their items, feeding poor and needy, helping respective animals help. Get chart checked by an expert to know root problem planet.8/n
General Remedies
Have a proper sleep, usually don’t smoke or chew anything before your sleeping time. Brush your teeth, wash your feet, wash your face before sleep. If you are an alcohol addict try to drink atleast 3-4 hours before usual sleep time. 9/n
Listening to music can also help you to ward off stress and help you with good sleep. Try these remedies below for Music tips. 10/n
Try to leave all these smoking/drinking/chewing addictions for better stress management. They never help to control it, but rather complicate situation. Try below remedy for it as well. Tried and tested on many. 11/n
Turmeric milk. Add few strands of kesar and pinch of Nutmeg powder if you are too stressed. Avoid nutmeg/jaifal in summers. But do add it if you wish to make love before sleep. People with natural Pitt pravarti or heated body can avoid Nutmeg/Kesar at all
Exercising, Yoga, Pranayam, Neti kirays daily help to reduce your stress Hormones and help in better functioning of mind. You can also go for walk twice or thrice a day if you feel you don’t get time to practice Yoga etc at one go, Walking is also a great exercise. 13/n
Constipation becomes a common problem in stress & causes further stress, because of hormonal change. Using Isabgol, Amla and Methi dana powder in 3:2:1 at night helps to relieve stomach easily & prevents hairfall as well. Others might prefer Trifla or their common medicines.14/n
Check your Vastu, are you using wrong room for wrong purposes? If your NE and SW all right? Is your SW damp? Is your NE dirty? Is your east blocked? Are you using wrong source of energy like crystals or pyramids for wrong use? Take Balanced diet for better stress management.15/n
Fruits, whole grains, simple Indian, less spicy homely food do help in keeping hormones in check, lesser acidity, no bloating, better sleep etc. Take rice regularly. Rice is natural sleep-inducing agent.And when you get good sleep, stress wards off to a great extent.16/n
Tell your problems to others, share with your spouse, children and parents. They might shout at you, chide at you, but deep-down care for you. I have seen cases of cheating, extra marital affairs even in such cases spouses and family supports, if you reach out to them. 17/n
Your prayers, time you spend in Temple, your japs, Pooja, Your meditation all helps in reducing stress as well. Also do make it a habit to tell all your problems to God. Don’t ask him for money like a beggar, instead tell him your problem 18/n
and ask him to suggest you remedy or solution for it. I have tried to include only General remedies which have generally no side effect or are easy to do. 19/n
Many of us know many other prayers/solutions which are only given under Deeksha or are very strict in their following. I have avoided them. if you still have any easy ones, do share. RT/share this thread to help others as well. n/n
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