-- How to sleep better at night? --

Tired of tossing and turning and checking and rechecking your phone?

I am going to tell you why sleep is important for your mind and body, and share quick hacks on how you can sleep better at night.
Here first let’s find out why sleep is important for our mental and physical well-being.

Mental Well-Being:

– A good night’s sleep boosts your memory and enhances your concentration levels
– It keeps you alert effortlessly
– It keeps you fresh and motivated
– A good night’s sleep reduces the feelings of depression and anxiety

Physical Well-Being

– Our body when rested well at night heals and repairs our blood vessels and heart
– A good sleep fights infections and boosts our immune system
– If you’ve slept well, you will be able to workout with full energy in the morning
– Sleep helps you maintain your body weight

Now, let’s hop on to how you can sleep better at night.
1. Routine

We set an alarm to wake up in the morning, right? Now set an alarm to sleep at night.

And don't snooze this one!

Don’t underestimate the power of a solid routine.

The best way is, to align your body clock with nature. Sleep by 10 pm and wake up before sun rise.
A good 7-8 hours sleep every night will keep you healthy and successful in life.

It may seem challenging in the beginning, but remember no good things come easily. Make it work!
2. Lighting

Keep your room as dark as possible, as even a little light can disturb your shut-eye, and so your sleep.
3. Habits

Cut down on your caffeine or don’t have it post afternoon.

Try to quit alcohol and nicotine, as it hampers your sleep quality, makes you sleep till late, and gives you a bad hangover when you wake up.

Moreover, it’s even bad for your health!
4. Devices

You may have read this several times, but do you follow this?

Switch off your phone/data at least one hour before you hit the bed.

If you keep using it, you won’t fall asleep easily, as too much light or brightness tells you brain it’s time to be alert.
Make this a rule, and follow it every single day.

Bonus: Instead of scrolling down your social media at night, you can talk to your loved ones at home, read a book, or just listen to some soft music.
5. Exercise

Do whatever you like; yoga, working out in the gym, running or walking,

but include at least 30-minutes of physical activity every day.

It will not only give you a good night’s sleep, but also enhance your overall physical and mental well-being.
6. Meditation

Nothing works better than meditation.

It calms your mind, helps you deal with stress effectively and keeps anxiety at bay.

Ideally, practice meditation early in the morning, so that it helps you sail through the day easily and gives you a good night’s sleep.
7. Nap

A nap of more than 20 minutes is the perfect recipe to not get sleep early and easily at night.

Power naps are good, but only if taken for a maximum of 20 minutes.

So, if you’re trying to fix your sleep, first fix your afternoon naps.

And don’t nap at all after 5 pm
8. Meals

Don’t eat too late or too much at night.

It will make your stomach heavy and bloated.

Moreover, you need your body to be relaxed before you go to sleep, and not working on your food to get digested, right?
9. Journaling

Writing down the next day’s to-do is a great way to empty your mind of unnecessary thoughts.

We spend almost 1/3rd of our lives asleep, and if we’re not doing it right, it will definitely affect the other 2/3rd of our lives.
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