NEW: Two Senate Democrats are now calling for witnesses as key details about Trump's conduct while the Jan. 6 violence unfolded have come to light.

The big question: Will House managers agree?

Most of the energy has been for speeding straight through to the final vote. But evidence that Trump attacked Pence while *knowing* he was fleeing the violence has changed the calculus.

Some Rs have signaled they're intensely interested in this as well.
A third Senate Dem, Chris Van Hollen, says he'd "welcome" witnesses — *if* the House managers ask for them
In 1999, Senate authorized the deposition of three witnesses during the Clinton trial. The trial recessed for a week, while the witnesses were interviewed behind closed doors and transcripts/video excerpts were prepared.

The Clinton witness resolution:
Back then, while the depositions were ongoing, the Senate conducted regular business. Then, when the trial resumed, the Senate added one day to present the new evidence before moving to closing arguments.
NEW: Source with Trump legal team says any move by Dems to call witnesses would get "real ugly, real quick."

"The first two witnesses that we would call would be Nancy Pelosi and Muriel Bowser And they can explain why they rejected additional security and national guard help."
It's also important to note that the Senate has exclusive authority to decide which witnesess to call. They may be inclined to allow the Trump team some witnesses (if Dems demand their own) but it won't be a blank check.
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