Meaning of real Indian marriage

In First vow : groom vows bride that he will be responsible for providing a gud & healthy lifestyle to her & children to which bride vows to the groom she will take care of the family and household.
In second vow : The groom vows to the bride that he will stand by her in any kind of situation and will remain loyal to her and will take care of her family as well
To which bride vows to the groom she will also stand by him in any kind of situation and help him
Third vow : groom vows to bride that he will try his best to bring wealth and prosperity in the house and giving education to their children
Bride vows that she will use and manage resources responsibly and devote her love exceptionally to her husband . She will be loyal always
In fourth vow : the groom thanks bride through this marriage she has made his life complete & beautiful and he vows that he will respect her wishes and include her in all his decisions.
Bride vows that she will stand his side in all rituals , she will respect his decision
and include his say in all decisions .
She will stand before him in case of any danger intecepts his way and will ready to sacrifice her life for him
In fifth vow : both of them vows to be with each other and share all happiness and sorrows with understanding and care and they together pray with god to bless them with healthy children and they both will strive to nurture their children with generous lifstyle.
In sixth vow : they together pray to the god for a long healthy life with joy filled with peace and happiness so that they can carry their duties and responsiblities towards each other.
In seventh vow : the couple vows together through this ritual of seven sacred vows they have become husband and wife and their souls are united now . They are united with a thread togetherness and will love each other unconditionally and they promise to abide all seven vows .
This is the real beauty of a Hindu marriage
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