Yes,  transwomen are women.  A Thread

The law can have its own definition of a woman and it does not need to tie in with the gender critical feminist view. All it needs to do is to make itself clear.
This legal definition of a woman also does not need to match a scientific view of a female. That does not mean the law becomes a science denier or those who support the law science deniers. It is just recognizing a difference between legal definition and a scientific definition.
This occurs elsewhere. An adoptive parent is treated both socially and legally as biological parents.

I do not see people on Twitter demanding that laws permitting adoption are revoked or accusing supporters of adoption as science deniers.
The argument from the opponents of transwomen based on women’s rights is circular: those who make it accept their own gender critical definition of who is included in the collective women for women’s rights.If transwomen are women, women’s rights include the rights of transwomen.
The scientific male does not necessarily have to equate to the legal, political and socially accepted man and the scientific female does not necessarily have to equate to the legal, political and socially accepted woman.
The prison objection. The attack on transwoman in women’s prisons seems to be that it makes the prison unsafe as other women may be raped. This is a strawman. There is no reason to assume that a transwoman in prison for example for drug dealing or tax fraud is a rapist and
to assume so is bigoted. In the event that a transwoman is a danger to other women they can be kept in solitary confinement like other dangerous prisoners. There are examples of lesbian rape in prison but nobody claims that lesbians should be restricted from women’s prisons or
assumes they are a rapist just because they are lesbian. Moreover, a transwoman may not even be sexually attracted to other women but to men.
Simply accepting a definitional claim that a transwoman is a woman does not make someone either a misogynist or a men’s rights activist. Those who make that accusation expose themselves as politically bankrupt.
The trans community is a tiny minority in the country. They should be left alone to live their lives as they wish. If Robert changed his name to Roberta, put on a dress and asked to be referred to by the pronouns she/her, she is not harming anyone.
Pointing at Roberta and shouting “he” and “him” is transophobic. There is no reason why such action should not be recognised as a hate crime along with other hate crimes that attack someone for a core of their identity.
Due to the possibility of obtaining a Gender Recognition Certificate, transwomen are recognized as women legally and politically. The hurdle for them now is socially. It is about time commentators on Twitter also recognize transwomen as women. END.
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