Just been sent a 40 minute YouTube essay critiquing Tim Keller. After 38 minutes of lamenting his studied refusal to give full biblical sanction to right wing politics (he's even learnt from—whisper it—"leftists"), they drop 9 unsubstantiated theological bombshells in 30 seconds>
Apparently he's wrong on sin, hell, trinity, the church's mission, salvation, hell, biblical interpretation, creation and ecclesiology. But then—this is the killer move—they return to the real problem: his politics. Here's the final line, I kid you not...
"Keller's contribution to moving evangelicals in a leftward direction cannot be underestimated." Dun-dun-duhhhhh! THAT'S the takeaway.

55000 views, 900 likes, and the punchline is: "Some people say Keller's dodgy on theology. We'll tell you what's /really/ wrong with him...
... It's his both-sides-ism! His third-way clap-trap is a cover for left-leaning politics! And the tragedy is that these people claim for themselves the mantle of unsullied biblical interpretation. It's others (like Keller) who get duped by political ideologies. Not them. >
These people need a missions trip to *anywhere* in the world. *Anywhere*. And they must not teach anything. They must simply listen to the global church and realise how totally compromised they are by this bizarre, bi-partisan politicisation endemic to US (church) culture.
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