A question that came up a lot during brexit debates that was asked of those of us who took a pro brexit position was whether we were worried about "aiding the right wing". The question has come up again when it comes to covid so its worth addressing.
The criticism levelled by leftists "aiding the right wing" was always shallow and empty when it came to Brexit. It was because they usually had zero response to class based critiques of the EU and they didn't want to deal with the reality of class forces as they existed.
When it came to Brexit the ruling class was and remained against it. The left, the trade union leaders and the Labour Party under Corbyn all joined in with the "remain" joined with the most power, imperialistic sections of the capitalist class.
To justify their position the leftists invented a fantasy version of the ruling class as a combination of Spode from the Jeeves and Wooster novels and the ghosts of the old Conservative Party.
This fantasy had been reinforced over years through both political and cultural propaganda during the Blair years especially. A fantasy version of the ruling class was very appealing to the left and the trade union leaders as they had no intention of reckoning with the real one.
And so to Covid and the same accusation is levelled at us again by many of the same people as screamed it during the Brexit debate, this because some of us critique the governments position on lockdown policy. "YOUR SIDING WITH THE RIGHT" they scream.
But again, let us look at the class forces involved here. The British ruling class, it's dominant faction has remained in favour of the governments position. As i've written about elsewhere, this is because the productive working class has been deemed essential and still working.
There have been complaints from areas such as hospitality and the zombified corpses of the high street firms, but largely they have been ignored and it has been revealed just how little they mattered.
To the accusation of the "siding with the right" I can only laugh, what is happening now is the result of a country that is deeply dysfunctional and degenerated therefore the critiques and responses to that are going to come from multiple perspectives.
Opposition to the prevailing order comes from multiple different class positions, that is inevitable. The screeching from the left is so intense because (yet again) they are defending a fantasy in which they are still bold rebels not foot soldiers of the ruling class.
As i've said before, many times, the left in Britain and the USA is dead. It has been entirely separeted from the working class for as long as i've been alive, it exists in the trade union bureaucracy and academia and nowhere else.
The left are a discredited, hysterical and miserable band who's dream of the return of social democracy died because of their own inadequacies. Now they exist at the whim, and as servants of the most aggressive section of the British ruling class.
Their screams of "you're helping the racists" and "you want to kill grandma" are reflections of the fact that they are merely seeking to kill off dissent and debate amongst those inclined towards socialist ideas. In doing so they poison the well and push people towards the right.
My critiques and evolution on the issue of Covid have been done out in the open, largely through this account, videos, podcasts and written pieces. I judge no one for getting it wrong, as I spent the first few months doing just that.
But when every major political issues finds the left and the trade union bureaucracy acting as the guardians of debate on behalf of the ruling class then you must stop and ask yourself the question, why? Why does this keep happening on every major issue?
The answer lies in the fact that the left in this country is a middle class enterprise, it dreams of reintroducing a social democracy with themselves as the benevolent managers of it. They do not wish to see the power of the working class grow at all.
Having destroyed utterly the Corbyn experiment the left now seeks to make itself useful to the ruling class. If they can't have their social democratic, managerial dreams, they will help impose the ruling class's useless, technocratic dystopia.
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