So strange when I watch WandaVision, it’s set in a world I was writing about for Vulture Culture.
Even the Tv artwork for the show, the way people act and the things they say, the moments that happen. They’re like characters and scenes from our album. Mad.
The show is about creating your own reality in a bubble because you can’t accept grief. That’s a thread running through Vulture Culture too.
“Last Time” opens the album. We were asked quite a bit why we would open the album with a song that would typically be an album closer. Well the idea was to open with a story of grief. Then right after last time ends the shift in reality happens with an emergency tv broadcast.
It says “welcome to the vulture culture”. Now you’re in that reality. Each song is a phase of that twist on reality. Introverted self violence, blame, shame, guilt, but turned on its head and vocalised outwards on external things and people.
By the time you get to “Black Rainbow” the narrative changes. That song is a conversation inside your head. A family member who works in childcare and trauma told me about how trauma can effect the brains visual acceptance of colours.
I only ever understand things fully in hindsight. But in the creation of the album I had chosen colour palettes for everything and everyone involved to stick with. I couldn’t explain it at the time but I needed everything to look and feel a certain way.
Anyway. Sorry for the brainstorm ha! Just wanted to get that out of my revolving door roundabout mind.
Hope you’re all well. 🤝
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