As a cis lesbian, let me shed some light on why most of us wouldn't touch the obsessive transphobic bigots with a bargepole...
1. They're obsessed. Cannot imagine how tedious it would be to date someone who is constantly banging on about conspiracy theories.
2. Actually, in general, dating bigots is just a bit awful, I expect, must be awful having to date someone so hateful; I couldn't do it, it'd earn an insta-dump if it didn't come through in pre-screening.
3. They have very weird opinions about "women's bodies" and the last thing I want is someone frantically measuring the curl of the hair round my butthole to check I'm "really female".
4. A lot of the lesbian-identified transphobic bigot brigade are "political lesbians", i.e. celibate straight women, and honestly, I like to fuck and these chicks don't fuck.
5. All the prominent voices, I have literally nothing in common with them anyway, they're a bunch of rich conservative white ladies with awful opinions about shit like body piercings and just ew.
So, tl;dr the lesbian-identified transphobic bigots probably get a wide berth from most lesbians because, and I cannot emphasise this enough, ew.
Oh one more reason, they clearly have no sense of humour, and my god can you imagine being in a relationship with someone who thought "attack helicopter" was the pinnacle of comedy?
7. They have terrible friends, like shit, imagine her bringing her mates round for a dinner party and you have to share a table with crashing bores like Linehan and Suzanne Moo drinking literally everything in your house before moving on to the mouthwash?
8. Even if they do fuck, a lot of them have exceptionally bad opinions about things like BDSM, penetration and even fucking scissoring, which means sex is basically a bit of light hand holding, and, like I said, I like to FUCK.
9. I bet they think food with onions in it is a bit too spicy; I have no evidence for this one, but they all exude that energy.
10. What they do for fun seems to largely be going to really boring with like-minded bigots meetings or embarrassingly awful "stunts", like come on, I just want to finger a girl on a sweaty dancefloor to a soundtrack of big gay bops
11. Probably the crux of it: they just don't seem to like women all that much, and I'm a lesbian because I really like women, a lot.
12. You just know their bathroom etiquette is terrible, because they all have cleaners and some weird ideas about what "females" seem to do in bathrooms, so it'll all be blood and piss everywhere, and barging in on you while you're trying to take a shit.
13. They're boycotting all sorts of shit so basically the only book allowed in your house is fucking Harry Potter. Ugh.
14. If lesbians wanted to date someone with the opinions and analysis of some reddit incel dude, we wouldn't be lesbians and the incels would be getting laid
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