Wow 2 trans hate hashtags trending this morning #BoycottTheCensus. UK is a fucking state. #GenderCritical is the British Qanon

Let me explain how utterly stupid this is. They're angry about the wording on a question as it includes trans people, but their arguments make no sense:
They say that having a question where trans women can say they're women (they don't care about trans men, or even know they exist) will ruin the data

1) no it won't, trans women are like 0.3% of the population (and you know are women, but even if you disagree with that...)
2) more importantly if the census had the question they wanted, so it just asked you sex and nothing else... then almost every trans woman in the whole country would just tick female. Like they have in every single census up until this point, thus recording them as women.

This census, where there is a question specifically that allows people to say they're trans, actually provides the data they claim to want in a way that what they're demanding doesn't. Unbelievably stupid

And this is so telling of the GC movements attitude...
towards, and awareness of, trans people and their rights. MOST GC people think that trans people are new and that they are somehow the world has always worked in some kind of magic binary, and that they've been stripped of their ability to live by wordings on forms and signs...
on doors

Trans women have been recorded as women officially all over the shop for decades, just as they have been in women's spaces for decades. All without issue

This whole thing is a moral panic that doesn't make ANY sense when you listen to what they're saying, and do...
even a surface level analysis. And it's the fault of the transphobic British media and the liars heading the GC movement
Also, as others have pointed out, 20,000 GC people (an estimate of how many of them there are based on GRC reform relies) boycotting the census (that's 0.03% of the population) will just make the data slightly less accurate for what they claim to care about and nothing else
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