the thing about feminism is that if you believe in women's autonomy you have to also believe in their right to do things with their body that you don't personally like: a type of sex you don't agree with, sex work that you don't like, surrogacy, whatever. you don't get to say.
one of the most enraging things about 'feminist discourse' in this country that it so often shames any woman's desire or pleasure - I saw people slagging off people for being into *crafts* a few months ago, all in the name of feminism. Crafts! The femmephobia is rampant
mainstream feminism is happy to discuss the economic realities of modern day and the pressures under which women especially labour - but it is also the quickest to decry women who do porn or sex work without advocating for any alternative to the current capitalist system
What are your solutions for the systems that keep refugees out of other work? About benefits systems that keep mothers poor? About racist and transphobic workplaces that force women out of them? How about resource sharing that does not rely on work, are you advocating for them?
Or is it mainly about making life more comfortable for yourself, calling women who disagree 'brainwashed', protecting your ability to denounce the very women whose bodily autonomy and rights you supposedly support?

Feminism is going backwards in this country. It is exhausting
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