I don’t want #Bitcoin to go mainstream. I want mainstream to go #Bitcoin .
There’s a huge difference. https://twitter.com/financialtimes/status/1360330360450605058
#Bitcoin going mainstream is about hiding everything that Bitcoin is behind shiny UI and having people just blindly trust old large institutions like they already do now - which is completely beside the point of using #Bitcoin
Mainstream going #Bitcoin is people starting to take care of their own financial future, do more self custody, put trust less in institutions, and protect themselves against censorship, confiscation, and debasement.
It’s much easier to take #Bitcoin mainstream, make it a shiny fast PayPal where everything happens on institutions internal databases.
It’s much harder to get people see why they NEED it to be censorship resistant, alas this is becoming clearer now as censorship is on the rise
But the latter is what’s important. #Bitcoin is for censorship resistant money, and that’s not a niche need anymore, when it comes to your life savings, the last thing you want is to have some bureaucratic or Wall Street guy telling you if or how you are allowed to spend it.
Anyone who care about their future need #Bitcoin

Censorship is a wild animal, and you never know who’s going to be its next prey.
You can follow @_benkaufman.
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