The importance of Nutrition for a Footballer. What they eat, and how their bodies respond to it.

If we're gonna talk about food for a footballer. It starts with this man right here...
17 years after the Invincibles campaign, and I must say that the best thing Arsene Wenger introduced to English Football from an objective point of view is his take on what footballers must eat, and what the physio team needs to do on the team when they are not training/playing
Because of Wenger and all his off-the-pitch improvements, Football is the sport that we now know is today.

We say goodbye to bad eating habits from Matt Le Tissier, George Best, Maradona, and Ronaldinho
The first thing he did as a manager was food related. But it had absolutely no correlation to the menu. Not even the kitchen. No food was changed, it was too soon... He needed their trust first

Players still ate their junk food.
As a manager, the first thing Wenger did was making his players eat food slowly. He timed all of his player's eating times, and ordered them to eat whatever they want to... as long as it took them 30 seconds to chew each bite of their food.
This made digestion easier, and reduced a reasonable amount of calory intake

If you are thinking of being an athlete, this can be one of the first things to do when eating.

Chew your foods for 30 seconds.
Now, keep in mind that Arsenal was an old school British team then. After a North London Derby, the last one before Wenger's appointment, Ray Parlour and Steve Bould of Arsenal paraded through town past a host of Spurs fans...
and then proceeded to dine on 3 different restaurants... Three... THREE! They were then tracked back to their Hotel by a set of policemen, who found them eating chinese takeouts as well...

Their nutrition was a mess! Nevermind their fitness levels
3 days after timing the player's meals, Arsene Wenger (quite brutally) forced Arsenal players to eat Steamed, Unseasoned Fish. He hired a cook in order to do this. As a unique manager, Arsene used psychology (read: MANIPULATED) to improve his players eating habits too
After consultations with a Japanese Nutritionist, Wenger heard that it was okay for his players to eat Ketchup, and some types of potatoes too... But, of course, Wenger is also a football coach. It must come with results.
After a few hard days of eating wild rice/beans, fishes, and brocolli, all of them unseasoned (which, Wenger also ate as compromise), Wenger promised the team if they won a couple of games, Mashed Potatoes and Ketchup would be added to the menu.
Tony Adams, (then England Captain) also helped Wenger enforce this new meal behaviour on Arsenal players, and when you're a footballer, it'll come better hearing this new habit from an England Captain rather than some Middle-Aged Frenchman.
Pretty much, the menu on a daily basis at Arsenal was

B'fast: Beans, High nutrition eggs.
Lunch: Steamed Fish, Steamed Brocolli, Ketchup allowed
Dinner: Grilled Chicken. Without Skin. Any type of vegetables. Some pasta.

Vegetable sticks are allowed for pre-training snacks
P.S. Too lazy to add calorie count. Sorry.
Now, Arsenal players eating this menu had a ton of extra stamina, but this info spreaded (long story short) through the national team, and after the invincibles... it was a common practice for English Clubs to perform this new Athlete Diet...
In the modern day, the diet is usually more complex, as there's a carb-stocking period three days before a game, and rest period 2 days after a game, but these are the general athlete's diet...
Training Day:

Breakfast: Whole Wheat Bread, with Unsugared Walnut Spread. 2 90% Squares of Dark Chocolate
Lunch: Grilled/Boiled Chicken Breast, without Skin. And, Broccoli, Steamed
Dinner: Steamed Fish, no seasoning, some Asparagus
Carb Stocking Day:

Breakfast: Whole Wheat Bread
Lunch: Steamed Potatoes, Broccoli, Boiled Chicken
Dinner: Steamed Fish, Vegetables, some clubs use potatoes/pasta too
After a game, players who play at least a half gets a Low-Carb, Vegetable Pizza, and a slice of low carb, non sugared, chocolate cake for some clubs
Source: Secret Footballer's Guide to the Modern Game.
I don't want to overexplain on the food stuff, so literally, just... DM me if you're curious.
Now, this offers a player...

Energy, low fat, and better muscle index. Emphasizing strength, good stamina, and in general, just the ability to run more than those who don't eat like this, hence this diet is applied
Common Question: What if I break this diet?

Well, players are monitored 24/7 by their physios... Having a certain change of fat/calorie intake/heart pressure would be noticed, and you can proceed to lose your wages for the week.
Common Question: A player is monitored 24/7 by their physios? What if they want to shag their wives/girlfriends? Shouldn't they notice from the increased blood pressure and calorie burning during... you know...

Common Question: When can they eat junk food?

There are concessions.

Low calorie sauce, seasoning in some clubs, but, some of the harsher intense clubs (E.G. BVB, Liverpool) don't allow too much concession. You want to eat junk food as a pro? Wait for the off-season!
Now, there are exceptions.

Bruno Fernandes is addicted to Chocolate Cereal and a friend of his once said he wants to be able to have that and milk for breakfast. He plays well anyway.

Vardy eats Burgers and FRIES for a pre-match meal

But they are exceptions.
Common Question: At least they get paid a lot?

True. They get paid a fuck ton. Also remember, that their entire lifestyle is compromised during their career.

Such is a footballer's commitment
No such league is a farmer's league! No amount of money can make unseasoned grilled chicken breast taste good, and no amount of money can justify having Carrot and Broccoli for snacks.
Now, remember a Footballer's lifestyle is more than just about food. Lewandowski and Ronaldo (best specimens of conditioning) commits themselves to a very strict daily routine, sleeping in time, no blue screens for more than 1 hour a day, and this is done for all of their career.
So, next time you think of saying "Farmer's League", remember that Footballers eat Broccoli without any seasoning every fucking day...
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