What really concerns me in these responses, aside from the obvious CCP sponsored bots hiding behind Western names, is the success the CCP is having in exploiting the openness of Western liberals by deceiving them with the narrative there’s racial prejudice at play. https://twitter.com/reuters/status/1359462185538379778
The WHO kowtowed to the CCP from the very beginning due to fears of backlash following an orchestrated CCP PR campaign diverting blame & crying racism. Countries literally didn’t close borders or ban flights because the CCP claimed it’s racist. China’s border is now closed, fyi.
The CCP refused to cooperate & share vital data that could have prevented massive deaths from the start, alas not. And now we’re in the lamentable position the WHO still kowtows by adding CCP sponsored conspiracy theories into possible causes of the outbreak due to cultural
Sensitivities. The CCP are now pushing the narrative that C-19 was imported by frozen foreign foods while prevented access to the raw data. No qualms in pointing the finger at Norway without any shred of irony from a country with openly racist TV adverts & millions of Muslims in
Concentration camps & a country under colonial rule. Western liberals pushing this narrative are doing so in support one of the least liberal governments on earth. We’ve seen this time & time again. Why is there such little criticism of millions of sharks annihilated for their
Fins, or hundreds of millions of people exploited by cheap Labour by a government hellbent on GDP growth? No-one is anti Chinese, they’re anti-CCP.

They’re anti authoritarianism, Islamaphobia, racist, slavery wild life trafficking & colonialism.

Liberals should not forget.
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