It’s now February 13th, a full month since my 1st thread where I highlighted just how bad brexit was turning out to be for the wine industry. Let’s see if it really is #teethingproblems. 1/28
I have still got issues with the heavily increased cost of Freight & still stock is painfully slow to arrive as both customs agents & us struggle with paperwork. But we are told its #teethingproblems by  @BorisJohnson. I beg to differ . 2/28
#teethingproblems would be something you could iron out in a day or even a week, however Government is ignoring Importers & Exporters as they slowly strangle them so suit the true architects of this grand #Brexit plan of tax evasion. 3/28
My first shipments from the EU arrived on the 4th February. These pallets were all ordered at the beginning of January which means that the lead time, which was 4-9 days, is now 4 weeks. 4/28
I ordered again in the middle of January and this stock is yet to arrive & has an eta of 18th February. So again 4 weeks maybe its #teethingproblems that it now takes an extra three weeks to get stock. 5/28
The cost of the first shipment which arrived in early February has increased by just over 50% & that is less than it could have been as we did the UK paperwork. This cost is on -going #teethingproblems. 6/28
Speaking to the driver of the French registered lorry that delivered my stock was very revealing. This company is not being stopped by customs in the EU because their firm shares its office building with French Customs. . 7/28
Now I have had time to fully understand what is required and how the systems ‘work’ in real life, the wine industry has lost the ability to continue with Groupage wine service. That is big. 8/28
Collections of this nature are just too expensive with all the declarations/paperwork now. This is going to reduce choice permanently for the consumer, but government says it’s #teethingproblems 9/28
Because I went through the pain of getting the templates to use CHIEF I have happily helped one of my customers complete their first C88 by giving them the template. it still took them 8 hours 10/28
I have explained countless times these are not #teethingproblems this is a complete failure on the governments part to even start to understand just how badly they have let the UK down. 11/28
All of these issues are here to stay. Which will means consumers will end up paying the price. We have now increased prices on a number of our wines. We didn’t want do that. 12/28
Then if things were not bad enough the Government intends to continue with its plan to add even more paperwork to the mix from July 2021. 13/28
Vi-1 which are already in use for non EU wines are due to be introduced for EU wines entering the UK. Now say this has upset the entire wine industry is an understatement. 14/28
As I said in my last thread this is the single most stupid thing any government could do. But are they listening to us the industry that knows what damage they will do? Well let’s see folks. 15/28
When @victoriaprentis was asked about the impact of these forms her answer on the 15th January to the HOC was “We have not conducted an analysis of the potential impact of the introduction of VI1 measures on the UK”. 16/28
Now unless I am missing some thing we left the EU on January 1st and can get rid of ALL Vi-1 as an independent country. 17/28
Afterall this is an EU form to protect EU wines. That has only ever been its purpose and even the EU is prepared to look at getting rid of them. So why exactly is a Brexit government introducing them? 18/28
Moreover why did Defra put this in the pre debate notes to the House of Lords on the 27th January (see next tweet). 19/28
“: We have worked closely with the Wine and Spirits Trade Association, ... in work making EU wine laws operable. Measures provided in this SI are supported by the industry and primary enforcement bodies.” 20/28
To be clear the wine trade does not want these forms in any format and when I spoke to the Head of the Wine Spirits Trade Association (of which I am a member) he confirmed that he has NEVER spoken to Defra on this. 21/28
So he has NEVER spoken to them on this or anything else. Doesn’t sound like support or close working to me! So why have the HOC and HOL been misinformed by government?? 22/28 something @CPJElmore looking into.
I have even carried out my own mini poll to be sure and the result is currently at 93.4% don’t want Vi-1 in any format. 23/28
So @victoriaprentis when are you going to stop this nonsense of misinformation? When are you going to do your job properly? When are you going to start talking to the WSTA? 24/28
After seven weeks in I have concluded that Brexit is the shitty mess I expected it to be and a whole lot worse. Everything is more difficult to do, the processes are more costly. Sadly it’s the public that will pay the price. 25/28
But people are very interested in this story, especially the wine trade. These threads have been read by over 19 Million people thus far. So I think we are due an answer from our public servants. 27/28
Are you listening @BorisJohnson @VictoriaPrentis @michaelgove, because another 500,000 people have engaged with this thread today and that makes nearly 20M since my first tweet. But still you pretend there is no issue. You are all a utter disgrace.
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