(1) Five reasons why there's no free and independent press in the UK

1/ Billionaires own the press set the agenda - highly concentrated ownership structure- 6 billionaires owning &/or having a majority of voting shares in most of the national newspapers

(2) Five reasons why there's no free and independent press in the UK

2/ Corporate advertising revenue censors the content

(3) Five reasons why there's no free and independent press in the UK

3/ Privately educated, privileged & predominantly white men & Oxbridge graduates want YOU to be led by their views of China, Russia, Iran & more

(4a) Five reasons why there's no free and independent press in the UK

4a/ The political use of supposedly neutral sources & generating bias with repetition of 'bad news' (e.g. debate on Scottish indepdence)

(4b) Five reasons why there's no free and independent press in the UK

4b/ The political use of supposedly neutral sources & generating bias with repetition of 'bad news' (e.g. debate on Scottish indepdence)

(5) Five reasons why there's no free and independent press in the UK

5/ The intelligence services manipulate the press (this is the WORST part) - intelligence services & specialised police units have infiltrated the media

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