I like this list. Not the specific items on it, but the idea of it.

Star Wars never really had great story telling. It was made popular because we see it when we are young and laser swords are cool. Full stop.

That said, I would offer these as replacements for SW:
1/8 https://twitter.com/BrianNiemeier/status/1360068502560919553
I choose existing franchises based on solid characters in a conflict rich worlds that can be represented in the movie Tech of our day.

Exo Squad-Long time followers know I love this show. Mars, venus Earth. Neo-Sapiens, Humans, Pirates. a host of ethical issues and Mecha.
Visionaries - It would need some rewriting at its core, but the mixture of magic and tech could make it a wonderful morality play in a world that screams for some good guy/bad guy action because Im sick to death of gritty anti-heroes. GREAT potential for world building here.

Pirates of Dark Water - I watched this recently and had a blast with it. For exploration adventure and planetary romance you could do worse that Pirates on teh Open sea of an Alien world. Sure its not REALLY Sci Fi, but damn its fun.
Battletech - This thing has never really gotten its due, mostly, I think, because people dont realize the political intrigue, history and expansive world this creates.

We WANT to watch giant robots kick the chunky shit out of each other.

Star Craft - I seriously dont know why this isnt ALREADY a movie franchise. Its expansive, has three differnt multifacetted factions and plenty of strong Characters to build stories around. There ARE stories of Hope and struggle to be told in here.

EV Nova - This obscure Apple game was amazing! IT had factions of Velos (thinky brain aliens), Irish Rebels, Space Pirates, a Federation, Aurorans and Polaris.

The world and tech here run the spectrum of heavy duty slug throwers to E-Beams, Star Gates to Hyperspace.

Yes I left off Halo, and and HHGTTG and a thousand others, not because they arent rich worlds, but because those have HAD their chances and they failed (Yes especially D&D).
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