It’s so funny - I’ve been “suggested” for govt jobs I’ve zero interest in. You know what? The only job I would do in Zim doesn’t exist: being Zim’s chief negotiator on all international treaties. Imagine that. Decolonizing international law. Proper legacy stuff for Zim & Africa!
The minute I heard, in 2000, that a lawyer I admired was setting up the world’s only legal aid clinic for developing countries in international law, I decided that’s it. I had a brilliant job at the WTO but hounded him until he hired me. I am proud to have been a pioneer at ACWL.
That’s the stuff I love, legacy stuff, institution building. I like changing things, even just marginally. So no, I’m not interested in being in cabinet or being a PS. I’m interested in creative disruption, in transformation. I’m not interested in fancy cars. I don’t even drive!!
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