Fucking Joss Whedon Discourse™️ is pissing me off because 1) fuck him and 2) I'm extremely not good at analysis and criticism of art (of any kind) and I always end up feeling stupid for liking something that turns out to be made by a scumbag, full of scumbag tells that I missed
That's not to say there shouldn't be Discourse™️. There absolutely should be. Because, again, fuck that guy

But I miss so much
Part of it is that I've never felt compelled to learn more about the producers of art I consume? I'll read a book, watch a movie, and roll out. Your double secret platinum movie editions with eighteen hours of special features? I'll never touch it
Now I'm thinking about huge fucking reveals that I'd missed. It was within the last 5 years that I learned about Marion Zimmer Bradley being horrific. Had no clue. Friend made an offhand comment and I had no idea. Literally none
But that one's a bit esoteric. How about Famous Wizard Lady's Goblin bank tellers. Turns out that's not-at-all subtle antisemitic shit that I just rolled right past like "okay they're goblins that are kinda assholes alright rock" ABSOLUTE FAILURE OF CRITICAL ANALYSIS
I should've bookmarked it, but someone had a good thread about Firefly being confederate Lost Cause mythos, apparently in Whedon's own words? And I'm just like "I thought it was [admittedly imperfect] snarky cowboys in space but fuck me running, guess there's more and it's bad"
I'm glad y'all are smarter than I am because I learn tons of shit but BOY do I feel stupid having missed it and a million other things in the first place, is the point
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