THIS is what marriage can look like. I know this isn't everyone's experience and I wish it could be different. But for those spouses on the fence and scared about their partners transitioning; for those spouses who say, "I can't be with a woman" Let me tell you something 1/
My 1st wife had cancer - at no point did I say, "I can't see myself being with someone with cancer". Now with @chronicallyauds, she is slowly being taken away from me for 9 years. She has physically changed and at no point in time do I say, "You're not the same person" 2/
With ME/CFS, we don't talk about not being able see ourselves having sex, hell, we think it's an incredible day if we can shop for groceries together.

We're best friends - always have been, and me transitioning or her becoming ill doesn't change that 3/
Instead, we continue to become closer. I have a better understanding of her thanks to estrogen, and she finds me much more attractive. Without detail, let's just say the bedroom has become a much better place. We shop for clothes for each other 4/
We know each other's style btter than we know our own. We do girls days out. THIS is what it could be.

Or you could be afraid of what people might say or think...and you would be applauded and justified by society. 5/
Isn't it interesting? If I left @chronicallyauds because of chronic illness, I would be the biggest loser on the face of the earth, but if she was to leave her transitioning spouse, she would be justified and consoled by her friends and family. 6/
People are free to make their own decisions, but when I hear of marriages failing because one spouse came out as transgender, all I see is how much pain is left behind and how much unknown joy will never be discovered.
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