I'm sorry for whatever suffering Jo went through. I have no trouble believing much of it was from sincere conservative Xian religious communities, because we Xians can be horrible hypocrites and are still sinners at the best of times.

But this is not the solution yall. https://twitter.com/JoLuehmann/status/1360238745857871876
I'll say it till I'm blue in the face: this is truncated narrative masquerading as capital T Truth. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church is indigenous African Xianity from the 300s to TODAY. It doesn't align with Jo's views on these matters. To whom should it look to decolonize itself?
We could go on. You could (and should!) do you own homework about the global Church today, which confesses these "colonized" theologies in uniformity across Africa, Asia, and South America. Among predominantly non-white believers. Not to mention its diversity throughout history.
But, then again, let's mention history. If you think Xianity was all white-European since around 400 AD, I'd invite you to learn the truth through books. Books like Philip Carey's The Lost History of Christianity would suffice.
Turns out that ME religion retains a ME presence
right up till today. And do the believers in those churches confess Jo's sexual ethics and biblical hermeneutics? No indeed. I suppose it's because they're still too mired in theological white supremacy.

The point: us white Xians should indeed humble ourselves. And we can do so
at the feet of our global brothers/sisters on every continent both now and throughout history.

If you want to be on the side of non-white "decolonized" Xians, I say go for it! But if your decolonized faith looks exactly like your own culture- you sure you're not getting played?
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