To nod to speculation...

Advocay is really hard. As a group it's borderline a full time job some weeks. Meshing many personalities for one vision or maybe even a few visions can be draining and hard on a soul.
So the team is soul searching.
I'm soul searching. As it can be hard to do so much for often very little or so it feels. But personally I don't do it for the politics of it. Granted some policy changes would be nice.
I did it because awareness doesn't land with politicians. It lands at the hands of the voters. You demand better and become more aware and thus they do better because people raised their voices.
I believe in the community that holds children with disabilities in their hands wether it is caregivers, supports, educators or medical professionals. Politically the drain is there. We have an education minister who won't even hear us.
But I'm not sure I care anymore because in a couple years it'll be another one who may throw our kids back down to the bottom of the list. #abed #advocate #ActuallyAutistic #ableg #abpoli
So it lays with those in our community to step up. To say something, anything. To ask questions and get answers. And maybe as an advocate my best role is to ensure people can do just that. I'm open to thoughts on this. Is it a political fight only or arm the caregivers?
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