Charles Darwin on marine iguanas -
"They are as black as the porous rocks over which they crawl & seek their prey from the Sea. Somebody calls them ‘imps of darkness’. They assuredly well become the land they inhabit.”
I don't know, I think marine iguanas are kind of cute. Especially when they're young.
Here is a marine iguana coming back from foraging in the sea. These animals have teeth evolved for scraping algae from rocks.
If your diet is sea algae you get lots of salt in your diet. One way marine iguanas get rid of excess salt is by sneezing it out.
Swimming in the sea chills marine iguanas quite a bit. Once back on land they often collapse in the sun to warm back up again.
Marine iguanas in water are elegant. They tuck their limbs in and propel themselves with their tail.
Big male marine iguanas will fight over the ladies. Here are a pair trying to intimidate each other.
This big guy was happily basking on black lava rocks.
Here a lava lizard thought it would be nice to bask on their marine iguana buddy.
A family that sun's together has fun together. Baby marine iguanas warming up together.
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