THREAD: Because I keep getting asked why $FCAC? Why do bullish? $FCAC is trading at $11.50 (includes AH). I hold a ton of shares at a DCA of $11.20/share. SPAC guarantees me $10. So for now, I only have upside IMO, meaning I mitigated a lot of risk.
So I think I'm in a good spot for entry, now what about the business? Well the business revolves around helping people to manage their health on a digital platform. This works, we all know this is happening, it's the future and will continue to evolve in a post covid-19 world.
Now Dr. Oz and the man who ran WebMD Jeff Arnold are on the @SharecareInc side. Add an Oprah to that bunch & you got some great PR already. On the the SPAC side we have Alan Mnuchin, (Steve's brother), and the guys who brought $DKNG & $SKLZ public.
So that is my BULLISH case for making a crap ton of money on this $FCAC journey. Here 👇is a good thread on @SharecareInc for those that need alot more information. Your 👀 will open even wider when reading it.
I own it at $11/share. It's still on sale and as that @smartertrader guy said, this is "stunnigly simple".
Love that fucking line.
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