1/ Disney deemed a gig not profitable. Folks express heartfelt thoughts and potential jobs elsewhere. Cool! But, why is empathy the ONLY option in response? If you truly believe this decision was wrong, why not come together as a community, dare I say a union, and go on strike?
2/ Animation Twitter is constantly discussing the difficulties of working under corporate strain, and supplement that feeling with the joy of making cool work, meeting fantastic people, and touting the benefits of the animation guild. Ok? That's nice?
3/ You may say "This stuff just happens, nothing I can do about it," or go on twitter and say "F U Disney!" You and your friends are literally the industry! You make the content that makes the Mouse money! Without you, they wouldn't make any money? Right?
4/ The Writers Guild of America has gone on strike at least 4 times over the last 60 years. And I'm sure they're not done. I don't think all of their demands were met from the last one. They've restructured the way commerce meets artistry time and time again. Take note!
5/ "I don't want to lose my job. We're in a pandemic, idiot." Yeah, that's a tough one. But aren't you still employed right now? Millions of folks have lost their jobs in other sectors you've never even heard of. This seems like the perfect time to shake things up.
6/ Wouldn't it be nice if artists had more security over work? More creative input over executive decisions? etc. Is that so crazy? Maybe. Probably. Blame it on a free market, but I think there's a justified decency to letting a project finish on the end of a 100+mil budget-
7/ while millions of hypothetical $$ are being poured into slated productions on a 5 year business plan.

Listen, I don't know what I'm talking about! I wasn't in the room when things happened. The recently unemployed will hopefully and expectantly land back on their feet.
8/ And it would be awful to lose or give up your own job, with so much uncertainty now. But F if it's not disheartening to witness the duality of humankind; thoughts and prayers one day, and then raving about the latest Netflix announcement the next. We move fast damn.
9/ I know tweets aren't indicative of the reality and nuance in folks lives. Maybe more efforts are being made behind the scenes. But it always feels like we're putting band-aids on chopped-off limbs. I know things don't change in a day, but gosh, think of the children!
10/ I don't have the solution. And going on strike isn't going to necessarily bring Nimona back. But it starts an EXTERNAL conversation. Come up with demands, go on strike, punish the Mouse, and hopefully everyone learns something new in the end. idk maybe there's some other way
11/ This is obviously a problem bigger than what happened with Blue Sky. Instability should NOT be the norm, especially riding on the backs of corporate interest. Bad business fails, good business thrives, but artists affected by these decisions shouldn't be punished so.
12/ I don't knoooow maaaaaan...

Good things are happening in animation and film every day. I'm just an uneducated bystander, a peanut in the gallery. An angry, confused peanut.

Please stay safe, keep making art and feeding your families. I hope everyone's doing alright.
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