I’m a writer. For decades I have both made my living and supplemented my income writing. I don’t write much at all these days.

I was a writer.
I was thrilled at how an article I was working on might make a difference in the world, for even for just a handful of people. The possibility that it might. That idea—true or not—that enthusiasm for yawping over the rooftops of the world—fueled my endeavor. Good fuel.
At one time, my articles on the craft and profession of design were component to the syllabuses of dozens of colleges’ and universities’ design-degree programs. I was schooling the next generation of designers. It was glorious

But they turned out to be mostly communists.
Unlike them, I am no God-cursed communist and I wrote about that, too. When the students discovered my capitalist morality, many of them, and their peers and bosses, targeted me for cancellation.

Professional colleagues became antagonists because commie evil knows no bounds.
They nearly succeeded in cancelling me.

I removed most of my articles—my how-to guides, my instructions for professional success—from public access. I have no desire to train malevolent commie demons in how to do what I do.

It hurt.
So I wrote about other things; things I’m passionate about; things I know about; things I deliberately developed into deep avocations.

But the commies found me there, too. This time, though, they weren’t just students and professional peers. They were gov’t brownshirts.
Tyrants & brownshirts don’t cotton to folk writing enthusiastically and in detailed manner about activities and skills that could interfere with their malevolent, tyrannical plans. They’ll seek to deprive you of your ability to earn a living for doing so.

We've seen it happen
So I don’t write much at all these days. Even here, on this flippant, frivolous medium, writing short factual posts can expose one to ruin.

Anyone. Everyone

That is the gift the leftist tyrants and their brownshirts have given us. So I have withdrawn mine from the world.
I have refused to share my insights and opinions and ideas on a host of topics because I don’t want Satan’s Democrat & commie minions to benefit from them. And I really don’t want to risk being cancelled from employment because of a rando’s malevolent offense at my words.
It’s not right.
I should not have to remove my articles and enthusiasm from the world merely because someone who considers me a political enemy might discover who I am and where I work and then flex to end my career. Over nothing.
I know I’m not alone. I know others who have amazing things to share with the world; far better than what I can. They refuse because they despise what we're becoming. They refuse because it exposes them to ruin. They refuse to share their light w/a world embracing darkness.
This is a rot that is setting in deeply now. It’s a decay that will deprive generations of Americans of amazing things that could have been.

Excellence and joy are being withdrawn. The rot is setting in. Deeply.
I've seen the negative effects in others who have withdrawn their light from the world. I've seen what it does and I know how they feel.

Mine is a paltry little light, but multiply that by 100k. By 50 million It's happening right now.

I don't know what could make it stop
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