The other day, I said that we're past the point of winning this and to "throw sand in their gears." Many asked me what that means. It means getting in their way (since no one has the spine to fire the Woke for their toxifying and grift). It means making it harder for them to act.
Here's an example: your school board. They want to pass Woke stuff unopposed. So, you throw sand in the gears. You show up and ask a lot of questions, make speeches, get organized in the process, and do whatever it is to make their process harder and slower.
In the school itself, they want to change the curriculum, etc., so you ask lots of questions. You don't have to put your kids at risk by challenging it. Just ask lots of concerned questions. Make them take time to answer you, show you the curriculum, explain it all in detail.
When I was in college, I would sometimes waste street preachers' time by going and talking to them for an hour, making sure it would go nowhere and that I'd be just a little crazy in what I'd say. Every hour they talked to me was an hour they weren't preaching into a megaphone.
I'd go out of my way to make the preacher want to end the conversation as fast as possible and then keep him on the line as long as possible without ever being rude, just slightly impertinent and inquisitive. That's throwing sand in the gears.
Do things that appear perfectly reasonable but waste their resources and make them uncomfortable, like making FOIA requests, requesting more materials, asking to have them explained (again and again), seeking reassurances, etc. Do it in an organized fashion so it's not all on one
I said this early on in the summer and people got mad at me, but another great way to throw sand in the gears when you're filling something out with this new Woke crap is to not understand it and ask repeatedly to have it explained to you. "Why do I have to list my gender?"
"Can you explain to me again... what's the purpose of declaring pronouns? Yeah, but what does it accomplish, like if I do or don't do it? I don't understand."

"What if I don't feel comfortable putting my race on this form? Why is it necessary? What will it be used for?"
These kind of low-key, polite things are tedious, and GIRL THEY/THEM IS TIRED OF EXPLAINING IT LIKE IT AINT THEIR JOB TO EDUCATE YOU, so make them explain it. Again and again, politely. Tell them you're trying and be slow. Request more information and help a lot. Sand in gears.
You might have noticed that they don't like light being shined on what they do. If you're brave enough, do that. Make what they're doing more public. Put more attention on it. Try to get more people asking them questions and using their resources up with what amounts to noise.
Ideally, you'd be able to push back and actually stop or reverse a lot of this nonsense. This thread presupposes that you will not be able to accomplish that in the situations I'm describing. Your job at that point is just to be in the way, politely and expensively.
PS: You have no idea how expensive "I don't think that's right, can you explain it better?" can be until you have to deal with it all the time.
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