Unplanned Partisan Divide Deepdive

I hope people on both sides read this thread with an open mind

I’m more critical of the left, but I also identify the greater potential for evil on the right

Understanding this is critically important to American Democracy

Pls RT this TWT

Start with Predictions

-Republicans to undergo a transformation
-2022 will see many GOPs primaried
-New Republican Party will fight as Dems fight
-Won’t be beholden to MSM
-More crazies will be mainstreamed

Same thing happened with Dems

Ends don’t always justify the means..

As I’ve said a 1000 times, a radical right is more dangerous than a radical left

If you give half the population no other alternative than to empathize with a radical movement for redress of grievances, then you’re asking for trouble

This has already started

The right already knows that Democrats control all major institutions

And the left is very transparent in showing off this new found power

Russiagate? Really? This wasn’t a scandal of epic proportions? Are people on the right supposed to ignore this?

WTF are Dems thinking?

If Dems employ “ends justify the means” tactics then don’t be surprised when the other side does the same

And historically the right is much better at this game

If left abuses media/communication then the right will abuse laws/law enforcement (although Dems already did this)

I am not advocating for any of this

I’m simply trying to put things into a historical perspective

A lot of people on the right are angry (justified or not)
-election integrity
-culture war
-govt control (Covid)
-restriction of rights

I predicted an event like January 6th on November 5th (check my feed)

To me it was obvious

I hope people on the left will reflect on this and try to lower temperatures and create an environment where most people see things as fair

Otherwise don’t be surprised by the backlash

Trump was a mild backlash

The left watered down the definition of a tyrant/racist

Dem calls of tyranny will be dismissed by people when a disciplined tyrant comes along

Human nature hasn’t changed, history’s still predictive

And Dems, you’ve forced this dynamic by creating the environment where moderate Republicans will be primaried

Protest that it’s Reps fault..outcome the same

The Republicans that are willing to fight (replacing old GOP) will also embrace the “ends justify the means” mentality

Dems think they are on the path to perpetual governance with southern immigration...it’s a stupid strategy

Democracy is about a balance between progress and conserving what’s important

The pendulum should always swing

Balance is good for Democracy

Not good if one side thinks that they are the chosen ones (Obama)...

They have all the right ideas

They alone know the best path forward

Obama thought identity politics were the way forward for the progressive movement...

Text book definition of “means justify the ends”

The worst thing to do is to grow and empower a far right movement via far left behavior (policy/culture war)

Now is the time to calm things down

We are still headed down the wrong path

Trump impeachment not helpful

Social media censorship not helpful

Ultimately what I’m saying is that left’s playing with fire by betting that they can control the politics (by embracing radicals)

Censorship/cancel culture quickly becomes a two way street

Once the pendulum swings in the opposite direction, it could (and eventually will) swing in an extreme direction

Thus is what I fear in the far right

People on the left more willing to listen to my POV than the far right

Not a justification for left misbehavior, but a fact

So let’s all push for better political speech

Also recognize the dangers of your own political speech

Without moderates, the only path forward is volatile

Both left and right in danger of this at the moment, unless we pull them back to the center

May delete this thread

It’s a complicated topic and I’m note sure I’ve written it in a sufficiently bipartisan tone
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