this is my issue with clubhouse: just because someone is speaking in one of the talks doesn't mean they are worth listening to. if you hop in a room with speakers you don't know of, question what you're hearing as much as you would a random person. bc they are a random person.
even conventions have a panel Submission process. no doubt these processes are far from perfect (to varying degrees based on the con), but they do at least exist. there is none of that on clubhouse. you could be getting advice that's worth ass all.
these chats are much closer to subscribing to some youtube channel you've never watched before than they are akin to attending an industry convention or something like a TED talk (again not saying those don't have their own issues too, but there's SOME curation).
the last one i jumped into was a week and a half ago. the topic was imposter syndrome. the person speaking said something so stupid that i haven't brought myself to join any other rooms since.
the app *can* be good for useful discussions, and for freeing up those talks rather than locking them behind a paywall, BUT it can also extremely easily be leveraged by manipulators, self-important pretenders, and full-on scam artists
also harm done by well-intentioned people that are giving advice or speaking about a topic they know very little about is still harm done if the audience believes that voice is an authority, and take those learnings forward.
when apps are new and invite-only, people assume the small ("small", the clubhouse user-base is NOT small) audience is therefore curated by its inherent nature. that's not even a little bit true. also with the app being voice only, i have no clue what user data they're selling.
services like this distract you from thinking about these questions by making you feel elite just by being on it, therefore making the app itself feel elite and beyond reproach. your membership or non-membership in clubhouse doesn't indicate your worth. it's an app.
idk all i'm saying is just bc someone is speaking on a talk in clubhouse doesn't mean they are qualified to be a speaker, let alone specifically on that topic. there is no editorial standard they have to clear.
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