I just had a thought, I'm on really strong pain killers so hear me out. We hear about division on the left a lot. The perception of left leaning people is that they are social justice warriors, trying to do better for vulnerable and marginalised people, right?
So, what if left leaning people are mainly people who have experienced marginalisation, trauma, oppression and other forms of systemic violence? They are very often going to have a trauma response to a lot of things. So if other advocates and activists make suggestions to them
About how they think, or feel or react to certain situations, sometimes that can feel like an attack, a trauma response. And they may react in a really unreasonable way to that as you're not talking to the person, you're talking to the trauma.
I dunno, I could be way off the mark here but I think trauma is why people with really good intentions and very similar ideals of just trying to help each other and make things better for people like them end up feeling like enemies.
I think we sometimes see a trauma response as an inability to listen and take feedback when actually it's a limbic response to an imagined threat, that people just don't know how to deal with. I've no suggestions on how to fix this. I think it's food for thought though
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