Why sule is our best cb:
He is fast(him being slow is a bigger bullshit than actual bullshit, you can see numbers if you want to)
He is solid, confident, composed, and has amazing positioning that make his interceptions look like light work
His passing is a very strong point in his game, he makes great through balls and also is great at switching the play
He is brave but aware when he lunges into tackles
He is nearly the best there is in 1on1 situations
He has scored twice so far this season from headers
His Ariel duels are a main strength due to his height
He is great at interceptions
He rarely makes mistakes
He literally can carry a defence sometimes on his own
Without him i doubt we would have won the cl final against psg where he did superbly against neymar and mbappe
On Thursday he was crucial and even people with an agenda against him admit that(they say it's a great performance against weak opponents)
He hasn't played at a consistent position and not even at a consistent game time, but people judged him on tiny errors
He gets slandered HARD by bayern ft in general, yes, unfortunately most of bayern ft slanders him, for two reasons which are:"he is too slow"
"He made a misspass"(as if every single defender on the planet doesn't get a misspass every now and then"
And finally the shittest point" he is not up to it", the too slow part is so false he literally was catching up to neymar and haaland dfkm, and i the last one is just dumb and puts not a single sensible point.
I have put my points on the table showing all reasons why he is our best cb, but anyways it doesn't matter no one will care about this because most people have an agenda against him, if you read this likes and rts are very appreciated
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