So today I finally had some quiet, painless time to come on here and talk. I been gone for a while and I miss yall. I been busy prepping for my surgery in a few weeks life doesn't stop even in sickness and death. Anyways the topic I wanted to address today has to do with +
Some peoples tendency to use the excuse of equality to misjudge, and trivialize the pain of minorities and blame them for their lack of success in the world, attacking their weaknesses to justify their own disregard of them, and assuage their guilty conscience at +
Their own part in the struggles of said minorities. In other word, intentional victim shaming and blaming. And im not only talking about this because it is black history month... because this doesn't only apply to black people, this is something I've noticed happens to +
Most if not all minorities and underdogs. In any context, political, social, academic, sexual and the least goes on and on. The idea of equality flies out the window as soon as interests change, and accountability is just a word we like to use instead of calling out the hypocrisy
Behind the whole concept of both equality and accountability because in both cases there's always an exception made. (But, until, only when). Let me paint you a picture real quick. Im standing in line hungry, I need to take my meds and its lunch time, I've been there for 15 mn+
Some girl skips everyone and gets to the front of the line, gets served before any of us, and I look around and no one says anything about it. Turns out she's the deli owners daughter. In a situation like this you're thinking oh well fair enough aint nothing you can do about it+
Her father owns the deli, she gets to do that. Thats the exception to that rule I guess. I guarantee you, She knows, she's aware of that privilege, and if she wasnt she'd have to be the blindest and/or the dumbest person to exist. If someone were to tell that girl +
You only get to skip the line cuz your family owns the shop, shed have to be full of sh*t to deny it because that is very much a fact. I dont see how the people waiting in line could be blamed for the delay caused by her cutting in line, sitting around shooting the breeze+
With the employees (this is an oversimplification of things but it fits) and taking up their time and resources while the rest of us wait in line. Has nothing to do with those of us who weren't fortunate enough to be born to the owners of this wonderful deli shop+
But you know what this is exactly what we do all the time. We blame the people waiting in line. (LOL my brother says, I'm only using this analogy cuz im hungry, he's right i had to fast today cuz I have some tests to run tomorrow and I was thinking about food, +
I hate when people cut in line in front of me when I'm trying to get something to eat).but I digress, the point is, we have variations of the same situation, and these days its become more and more common to hear bullsh*t arguments that take helplesd situations and turn them into
Smear campaigns for minorities.
Instead of admitting the truths and saying the unsaid like: "they would've had a better chance if they weren't so gay", "they would've had a better chance, if they if they weren't black", they would've had a better chance if their weren't women"+
"They would've had a better chance if they weren't Asian, Mexican, Indian", "they would've had a better chance if they weren't so poor" or if they'd been born in a certain period of time where the economy was doing better". Instead of admitting the real reason behind the way+
We treat others and the fact that these things do factor in and do make a difference in the chances that an individual has when they exist in our world, our society. We would rather cling to this false idea of fairness and equality that we have, ignore the fact that there is +
A broken system, and a broken lens and a broken machine created by broken people and we direct the blame towards the victims, instead of trying to repair the damage, and the broken system, we insist that a) there's no system b) nothing is broken c) the people who complain are +
The problem. And the wheel keeps on turning and the machine keeps on churning and somehow that is the norm. The crazy thing is this has been this way since the beginning of history, but again we repaint, we redecorate, we upgrade the outside of this broken machine but +
Aint sh*t changed on the inside. But somehow we expect different. We do the same thing over and over again and expect different results, I think Einstein said that it was the definition of insanity. And I agree, this entire world's gone insane and its been discrediting+
Those who are sane. And nobody says naught about that. Now thats scary. We blame black people for their lack of success and posterity, we pick on women for wanting leverage, we blame immigrants for our failing economy which we've created on their backs and that they keep together
The lgbtqa community is responsible for our lack of morals for some reason, the youth is blamed for being young and trying to grow and being vulnerable and find their place in life, poor people are blamed for not having the means to feed themselves, blame everywhere but no+
Solution. NONE. As If deliberating, accusing, blaming, psychologically dismantling those who are already suffering is going to change anything or make this mess any better. And the thing is we're not even having the real conversations and the ones who are to blame tend not to be+
A part of those conversations. And the real problems again are not discussed.
Lets think about it that way. Someone creates a world where they have two different families involved. To one family, they give land that they know is fertile, they give them the best tools, the best +
Information and the best of everything to succeed, this family is in the best mental and physical health, and then to another family they give them land thats been rendered barren by chemicals, radiation and all kinds of mess, knowing nothing is gonna grow ok that land, +
This said family is give tools also but not the best quality, this family get beaten, broken, and dropped on that barren land and you tell them well make this sh*t work. Knowing full and well that the chances of this beaten and broken family making it work are slim to none+
And then years later you wanna come on and criticize the family who by the way managed to survive all these terrible odds, and blame them for their mediocre quality of life by saying things like look at your neighbors, they do well, and we gave you land and the tools to succeed+
You were just to lazy to use them. When the real discussion shouldve been about the fact that the odds were never in their favor. The differences between those two families were vast, so were the circumstances. You can swap the families with any minority and flip the situation +
However you like. The bottom line remains this. We love to blame victims, turn a blind eye to injustice, and make allowances for all sort of f*cked up behaviors as long as it suits us and it is convenient and we can profit off of it. And as long as we refuse to admit that+
We're just going in circles. Sad but true, im angry about it everyday, I fume when I watch the news, I get upset, I cry, and then I get filled with so much helplessness its depressing. And I sometimes need to talk about it, so today after witnessing yet another day of+
Stupidity on the news, seeing how q trial that should've been so straightforward is being dragged and dragged, after seeing all the allowances that people in power make for evil incarnate, after 2020, after all is said and done. I had to vent. So thats what I did today+
For those of you who read this and have something to add and want to vent also. Feel free to reply and do this. Anyways that was one of my #Realliferants to all my brothers and sisters I say #HappyBlackHistoryMonth and may it all not be in vain 🤞🏾🤞🏾✊🏾
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