@ those minecraft bitches
Why tw/cw-ing someone isn’t dehumanizing, from someone who needs twitter’s mute feature
I have a trigger that’s a band. I’m not going to say why for my privacy, but it is. Whenever I see pictures of them my brain freaks out & sometimes I have panic attacks.
So let’s say someone im following posts a meme that has this band in it. The poster didn’t put any caption for the meme mentioning the they were in it. I’m going to see the image & possibly have a panic attack.
I have the band name muted! Of course I do they’re a trigger for me, but because the poster didn’t mention they were in the image they posted I would still see it.
This is where tw/cws come in!
Tw/cw-ing a post just makes sure people who have that word/phrase muted don’t see the post! That’s it.
Another example of tw/cw-ing a post is to mute hate of a certain character/person/etc. And tw/cws r sometimes used bc something has become spammy (ie. those ship drawings that were popular for awhile). Those are definitely not dehumanizing, right?
Please don’t jump to hating users who tw/cw content creators! You have no idea what the reasoning behind it is :)
Some of y’all r so weird.... I care about folks w/ trauma more than a cc who’s never gonna see ur tweet about how much u love his ugly ass. If u keep saying tw-ing creators if dehumanizing ur gonna eventually think having triggers is dehumanizing.
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