The conference is beginning.
“We have seen and heard some of the consequences of students not being in school.” Lists academic, medical, mental, etc.
Acknowledges the CDC coming out last week saying it is safe to come back to school, even if not vaccinated.
Schools promised to come back to school by March 1st for staff to receive vaccine. Shows/reads document school was required to sign.
Document signed by every public school district in the state except one.
In December: 45% of students in remote schools.
Now: under 15%
Says there are a handful of schools have said they will break that commitment. Says “this is really about the kids.”
Cincinnati Schools reached out to start early. So all teachers were vaccinated. One high school not going back this year.
Akron: going back March 15th.
Cleveland: school district made a commitment to do everything in their power to get back by March 1st.
“These schools are in fact safe inside that classroom.”
Says parents have a right to make a decision, but says districts have a commitment.

“You signed this...we expect you to fulfill this commitment.”
Question time:
“Is this a warning shot.”
Governor: “yes. I take people at their face value.”
Wants to move vaccines from schools that are not going back to vaccinate older people.
Next question: “will you cut off vaccinations for schools?”
Says not trying to be punitive. Love teachers, want to vaccinate them, but need to be smart about this.
Question: “what do you say to teachers unions? Who say they won’t go back until second shot?”
Gov: “CDC says it’s safe. We did testing, there is national testing.”
“In doing this, we do not require full time.” Says some districts are splitting time.
Q: “Why March 1st?”
“We wanted to give schools long enough time to get ready for this.”
Q: “Are you going to consider delaying second doses?”
A: “I think there would be an ethical problem with delaying.”
Q: “if teachers know their students, why not allow them to continue remote learning?”
A: that has not been a requirement to return, if you want to be vaccinated now, we’re asking them to return “it might entice some people to go back to school.”
Q: just these three districts you mentioned?
A: yes, overall going well.
End of press conference.
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